Sunday, September 25, 2011


UDL or Universal design Learning is founded on the notion that there is a wide spectrum of diverse learners. By attempting to use UDL in our classroom, we, as teachers, are attempting to reach all the different, and individual learners. We are essentially providing a variety of ways for students to access their learning. These variety of ways can include instructional or assistive technology - these are high tech forms of assistance - but they also can include low tech forms of assistance, such as PECS. I like how Alice commented on her blogthat a good way to use UDL is to be more thoughtful in lesson planning. When lesson planning it is important to consider the different learners and to create methods that will allow all students to access the material. Are there more kinesthetic learners in your classroom? Is there a way to make the lesson a kinesthetic experience? For the more visual learners, can you provide a large, or hand-out visual to assist them in the lesson? Consequently, my previous post made me realize that UDL is not only about the materials, but about the use of space as well. Is the physical space used in a way that allows access for all learners?

As teachers we need to open our eyes to all the different designs around the classroom and school and acknowledge that some designs unintentionally hinder students from 100% access to education. As i explain in my previous post, I believe lack of space hinders some learners....I know it hinders me as a teacher. Clearly, this wasn't the intention of the architect. In this sense I wonder if UDL is an unattainable goal. While it is worthy of consideration on teachers parts, 100% UDL seems impossible. The design of every object carries assumptions based on how the majority of people will use it, and rarely considers alternate methods. I would be interested to see or hear about an object that is Universally Designed AND accessible to everyone.

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